One of the events which became very or maybe even most popular especially in Czech Republic was the opening of the hypermarket “Český Sen- Czech Dream”. This event was mentioned not just in TV, newspaper and radio but on the internet as well. Two Czech students decided to make this project as their final college work but never expected it to be one of the most mentioned topic in that time. People seen so many advertisements even on internet that they really believed that this store will have amazing low prices. People were basically bombarded with advertising banners for longer period of time till the point they were waiting till the opening day and counting down the days till that moment. This project showed how easy can advertising sometimes be when we advertise something people really want. The reactions of people were various but mostly negative after finding out the truth about the hypermarket which was just joke of two young students. Most of the people who were waiting in front of the store felt angry and became very suspicious after this event. They did not believe advertisements as much as they used to just because of the bad experience with Czech Dream.
This would be just another example of different way how can internet as well as any other kind of advertising influenced people. I am supporting my words with the web page even though it is extremely hard to find some specific information or even banners related to Czech Dream.
Meggie, you are right, I remember the time when Český Sen was advertised and it indeed was a massive campaign; in fact, it was pretty much omnipresent. Actually, even for people who didn`t want to have anything to do with it, it was practically impossible to escape the banners, radio and TV-ads, and so on. After all, it was so much noise for no fire, right? In fact, I remember discussion about Český Sen to be a very cruel and even immoral and inappropriate joke, and I must kind of agree a little; after all, the authors were literally abusing people`s trust and making fun of them. However, I think it was a brilliant idea for a study and I must admit the movie does tell something about Czech nature.
Meggie, thanks for this tribute, because I have not heard about the Czech Dream before. It is interesting to observe how people should be so naive. Why they even thought that there could be some special low price store, I meam extremelly low prices. If it would be possible, what about the profitability of the company? On the other hand, advertising campaign can easily be very powerful and credible, so as you said if advertisers want to advertise something, they will do it, and the best of them will be such a succesful. I really like that idea of Czech Dream, it is innovative and sophistical. On the other hand I agree also with Bella that it was a kind of inappropriate and kind of immoral to the potential customers and people interested in it.
Girls, I have to admit that I agree with you, Czech Dream seemed like amazing idea to me. People could at least realized, how crazy they can be after being influenced be media and advertising in such an amount. This project simply proved that media can be extremely powerful if they use the proper way of advertising.
Meggie, you are right, I remember the time when Český Sen was advertised and it indeed was a massive campaign; in fact, it was pretty much omnipresent. Actually, even for people who didn`t want to have anything to do with it, it was practically impossible to escape the banners, radio and TV-ads, and so on. After all, it was so much noise for no fire, right? In fact, I remember discussion about Český Sen to be a very cruel and even immoral and inappropriate joke, and I must kind of agree a little; after all, the authors were literally abusing people`s trust and making fun of them. However, I think it was a brilliant idea for a study and I must admit the movie does tell something about Czech nature.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťMeggie, thanks for this tribute, because I have not heard about the Czech Dream before. It is interesting to observe how people should be so naive. Why they even thought that there could be some special low price store, I meam extremelly low prices. If it would be possible, what about the profitability of the company? On the other hand, advertising campaign can easily be very powerful and credible, so as you said if advertisers want to advertise something, they will do it, and the best of them will be such a succesful. I really like that idea of Czech Dream, it is innovative and sophistical. On the other hand I agree also with Bella that it was a kind of inappropriate and kind of immoral to the potential customers and people interested in it.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťRight on Meggie, I agree with you. Bye :D :D :D :D (toto si dam tiez do recommendations)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťGirls, I have to admit that I agree with you, Czech Dream seemed like amazing idea to me. People could at least realized, how crazy they can be after being influenced be media and advertising in such an amount. This project simply proved that media can be extremely powerful if they use the proper way of advertising.
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